
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to Reduce Water Wastage in the Bathroom

The average home owner wastes a staggering amount of water every day, and it may not be immediately apparent why. The smallest habit changes could easily contribute to enormous savings on water and heating bills; in fact as much as 2/3 of the water we actually use on a daily basis in used in the bathroom, so what better place to start! Heating Water It’s not just water that we tend to waste in the bathroom; 25% of the heating supplied to our home is used to warm the water we use to wash and bathe in, so by reducing the amount of hot water wasted we can cut heating bills too! It’s common knowledge that taking a shower uses far less water than taking a bath does, but many people shower for far too long, using up far more than a bathtub’s worth of water. If possible, substitute baths and long shower sessions with shorter shower sessions, this will reduce heating usage and water usage simultaneously. Water Saving Fittings There are some fantastic water-conscious fixtures and fittings on th